Thursday, July 13, 2006

Testing Object oriented programs

How do I find information about testing object-orientedprograms?Based on information originally provided by Brian Marick:Books that include some discussion of testing OO programs:
Binder, _Testing Object-Oriented Systems_
Jacobson, _Object-Oriented Software Engineering_
Marick, _The Craft of Software Testing_
McGregor, _Object-Oriented Software Development_
Siegel, _Object Oriented Software Testing_

There are a vast number of articles about testing OO programs. Isuggest starting with the September 1994 Communications of the ACM,which is devoted to this topic. Chase references. The February 1996issue of Object has a piece on system testing with use cases.Conferences like STAR and Quality Week and Pacific Northwest SoftwareQuality Conference seem to always have papers on this topic. Isuggest going to a conference and buttonholing people.Web sites with discussion:
<> <> <>Courses on testing object-oriented code (one by Robert Binder,one by Ed Berard) are described in the Testing Courses FAQ. Also,a new addition is an offering from Software Quality Engineering.

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