Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Malicious code injection : Not through Sql

All code injection attacks work on the same principle: a hacker piggybacks malicious code onto good code through an input field in the application. Therefore, the protection instead has to come from the code within the application itself.The root of all code injection problems is that developers put too much trust into the users of applications. A developer should never trust the user to operate the application in a safe manner. There will always be someone who is looking to use malicious code in an exploitative manner.

Aside from SQL injections, there are several other types of malicious code injection attacks with which developers must become familiar. Three of these types of dangerous malicious code injections are
1.XPath injection
2.LDAP injection,
3.command execution injection.

XPath Injection:

The attacker inputs a string of malicious code meant to trick the application into providing access to protected information. If your website uses an XML (Extensible Markup Language) document to store data and user input is included in an XPath query against that document, you may be vulnerable to an XPath injection.

For example, consider the following XML document used by an e-commerce website to store customers’ order history:

< orders >
< customer id = " 1" >
< name > Bob Smith



The website allows its users to search for items in their order history based on price. The XPath query that the application performs looks like this:

string query = "/orders/customer[@id='" +
customerId + "']/order/item[price >= '" +
priceFilter + "']";

If both the customerId and priceFilter values have not been properly validated, an attacker will be able to exploit the XPath injection vulnerability. Entering the following value for either value will select the entire XML document and return it to the attacker:

'] | /* | /foo[bar='

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