Just wanted to share the firefox add-ons which are really helpful for software testing
Firebug - With this you can edit the CSS, HTML, Javascript and inspect for the elements
YSlow - This is the integrated plugin within Firebug, which really helps for checking the performance of the individual components such as Javascript, image download etc
W3C Page Validator - This Add-on helps to validate the webpages for w3c compliance or not.
IE Tab for firefox - This little add-on opens IE tab within the firefox window, which is really helpful while doing some layout testing. But this renders differently compared to IE
Firesizer - This Add-on helps the tester to test the applications in different sized windows.
Web Developer tool bar - This add-on as important as Firebug. This toolbar is equivalent of IE tool bar in IE. This tool bar does everthing that is required for validating the webpages (css, HTML, XHTML, Acessibility, Meta data information and many more)
LinkChecker - When a page is having many links and to check for broken links on the webpage this add-on is really helpful
Flash Switcher -If you are testing the flash based application with different versions of the flash plugin on your browser, so this is the right tool for performing the desired task.
Flash Block - Again to test fall back page when flash plugin not installed in the browser, this is the good add-on
SQL injection - This addons helps tester to identify the sql injection vulnerabilities
HTTPFOX - This is the good add-on to know and dig into the request/response of the webpage.
HACK BAR -this is the good add-on for finding the SQL vulnerables, XSS vulnerabilities and DOS attacks.
Add N Edit cookies - This add-on is really useful if you some want to test the webpage after tampering the cookie,.
Tamper Data - This add-on is helpful to tamper the header of the Request/response data.
Measureit This is the great utility when you are testing the application design consistancy.